
Learning about our lakes

yahara watershed academy 2017 education overview

Clean Lakes Alliance sees a future where everybody realizes that the lakes are the center of the community. Education is central to this goal! Read on for a snapshot of this summer’s educational programs.

Yahara Watershed Academy

Who it’s for:

Anyone who wants to incorporate watershed sustainability into their personal or professional life, especially those with the desire to lead.

What happened this year:

23 students graduated with training in watershed science, climate change, and leadership, making promising post-graduation project commitments.

Our favorite moment:

Getting into a boat with Center for Limnology faculty and grad students to explore Lake Mendota – grabbing samples of algae and pulling up zebra mussel encrusted rocks along the way.

Farm Tour

2017 Farm Tour

Who it’s for:

City dwellers and farmers interested in learning about ways local farms are innovating to protect soil and water quality.

What happened this year:

More than 120 people toured the facility at Endres Berryridge Farms turning dairy manure into valuable compost.

Our favorite experience:

Seeing all steps of the process: from the raw manure in the heifer barns, to the long rows of compost being turned next door, to the finished product being spread on a field across the road.

Lake Explorer Camp

lake-explorer-camp 2017 education recap

Who it’s for:

Kids between the ages of 5 and 13.

What happened this summer:

Over eight weeks, 177 kids from the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County got their toes wet at Brittingham Boats with a crew of trained instructors.

Our favorite lesson:

Catching fish or paddling a boat for the first time, and learning about how water travels from rain clouds back into our lakes.

Yahara Lakes 101

yahara-lakes-101 2017 education recap

Who it’s for:

Anyone wanting a primer on timely issues that impact our lakes.

What’s happened so far this year:

We’ve learned about hot topics like zebra mussels, bacterial contamination at beaches, and construction erosion.

Our favorite lesson:

Learning how partners in Milwaukee have used “sewer-sniffing” dogs to get to the bottom of pesky Lake Michigan beach closures.

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