Yahara Society
Through the Yahara Society, Clean Lakes Alliance recognizes donors who support our lakes by giving $1,000 or more in a calendar year, independent of sponsorships or ticket purchases.
As a member of the Yahara Society, your donation will affirm that cleaning up our lakes should be one of our community’s top priorities. In thanks for your donation, you will receive:
- Special invitation to annual Yahara Society reception event
- Printed recognition in the monthly Lake-O-Gram newsletter
- All other donor benefits, including pre-sale tickets, yard signs, and free admission to Clean Lakes 101 events
You’ll also receive invitations to events, updates on work to improve water quality, and the assurance that Clean Lakes Alliance is working on your behalf on a daily basis with city, county, and state officials to put the Yahara lakes at the top of to-do lists.
Clean Lakes Alliance is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible!
Join as an Individual
To join the Yahara Society as an individual, please make a Friend of Clean Lakes donation at the $1,000 or greater level.
Join as a Business
To join the Yahara Society as a business or organization, please make a Lake Partner donation at the $1,000 or greater level.
Please reach out to a Clean Lakes Alliance staff member with any questions or to request an invoice. Thank you for joining the Yahara Society!