Get Involved

Ways to Get Involved

Thanks for your interest in becoming more involved with Clean Lakes Alliance’s work to clean up our lakes! We encourage you to consider six steps for supporting our lakes:

1. Get informed and participate

Learn more about Clean Lakes Alliance and our community efforts to reduce phosphorus by participating in our volunteer, educational, and networking events:

Clean Lakes 101 Science Café

A series of educational events that put the latest research by scientists and lake experts in front of community leaders. These events take place on the second Wednesday of each month.

Clean Lakes Volunteer Days

Opportunities for businesses to volunteer on meaningful and rewarding lakeshore projects while becoming informed and engaged in the issues that affect water quality.

Other programs

Community-wide events like the Frozen Assets Festival, Community Breakfast, Loop the Lake Bike Ride, and Waubesa Surf ‘n Turf.

2. Lead by example

Practice responsible home and land management to reduce your water runoff into storm drains and ultimately the lakes. Apply what you’ve learned, and educate your neighbors on things like leaf management, rain barrels, and rain gardens. Read more about what you can do.

3. Donate

Donate to become a Friend of Clean Lakes personally and encourage your company or employer to become a Lake Partner.

Friends of Clean Lakes are people who give an annual donation to support our overall efforts. Suggested donation levels start at $35 for an individual, through the $250 family level and up. All Friends of Clean Lakes can show their support through a complimentary yard sign, provided annually by Clean Lakes Alliance.

Lake Partners are businesses or organizations that that support Clean Lakes Alliance’s overall mission. Suggested donation levels start at $75 for nonprofits, $100 for a small business, and up to $750 and above, based on company size.

4. Become a sponsor

All Friends and Lake Partners are invited to consider sponsoring or underwriting a program, event, or project. Contact us to learn about sponsorship levels and benefits. Learn more about becoming a sponsor.

5. Join a committee

Share your expertise in a particular topic by joining a Clean Lakes Alliance committee or work group. Most committee members have attended events and learned more about Clean Lakes Alliance prior to serving on a committee. Learn more about our committees.

6. Serve on a board

In the fourth quarter of the year, Clean Lakes Alliance puts out a call for nominations for our Community Board and Friends of Clean Lakes Board. Most successful board candidates have previous experience and involvement with Clean Lakes Alliance through one of the above channels. Learn more about our boards and current board members.

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