Carp Tracking and Removal Project – Peter Foy
Project update via Peter Foy, President of the Friends of Lake Kegonsa Society
The Friends of Lake Kegonsa Society (FOLKS) has initiated what is hoped will result in a major carp removal project that will be conducted over the next two years on Lake Kegonsa. An initial carp tracking study is intended to identify times and locations where large concentrations of carp might be targeted for removal. FOLKS is working closely with Dane County, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the UW Limnology Department on this challenging project. The project will be supervised and monitored by Kurt Welke, Fisheries Manager, WDNR with support from Dr. Richard Lathrop, honorary fellow at UW-Madison Center for Limnology and retired DNR limnologist.
Our top 5 summer memories
- Working with 17 companies and partners and 459 volunteers on Renew the Blue projects. #healthyshores #healthylakes
- At the beaches, slurping algae with Madison College and pitching wheelbarrows of lakeweed.
- These kids cheering on Loop the Lake riders.
- Big catches and proud moments at the Lake Explorer Camp
- Launching Hello, real-time water clarity readings!
Lake Explorer Camp in the “School Spotlight”
The program gets kids from the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County out on the water learning about lake science and recreation. Thanks to our funders, hours for the initial camp days were DOUBLED compared to last year and more kids were able to participate in the celebratory field day.
Lake Mendota buoy supports collaborative research and citizen science (Space Science and Engineering Center)
The Space Science and Engineering Center recently wrote a very informative, in-depth article about their work with the buoy, even back to the first buoy deployed in 1959. Our Watershed Engagement Intern, Justin Chenevert, is quoted in the article.
Lake-O-Gram: A dozen+ ways to explore the lakes in August brings science to public, public to lakes
MADISON, Wis. – It only takes a couple of visits to your favorite lakeshore hangout to see that lake conditions vary dramatically from day to day. An algal bloom on Monday can give way to crystal clear waters on Tuesday. Even on the same day, water clarity varies from one spot along the shoreline to another. Thanks to a partnership led by the Clean Lakes Alliance, the public now has help determining where to go and when for a day on the lake with access to up-to-date water quality conditions at dozens of sites on lakes Mendota, Monona, Wingra, Waubesa and Kegonsa.
Boys & Girls learn on the lakes
MADISON, Wis. — This Thursday, nearly 200 students from the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County (BGCDC) will descend on Lake Wingra for the second annual Lake Explorer Camp field day—to cement new skills and hobbies and celebrate a successful camp season. Over the last two months, the kids, aged 7 to 12, have attended the camp weekly in small groups, getting their hands and feet wet in the name of lake science and recreation.
Lake-O-Gram: Volume V, Issue V

Long summer days are never quite long enough when you live in Wisconsin. Summer days on the lakes pass even more quickly! Donate today to help keep our lakes clean for summers to come.
Lake-O-Gram: hello June!
Despite the cold start, summer has (unofficially) begun! We’re excited to share a full calendar of ways to engage with the lakes, and give some updates on how we’re making waves in the watershed.
We are also glad to share that, on Friday, the Wisconsin Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance voted to restore funding to the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program. This program is important for land acquisitions that are necessary for us to meet our goals in reducing phosphorus runoff to waterways.