

Press conference announcing Dane County's 160 acre land purchase

Pheasant Branch Conservancy set to grow by 160 acres

On Thursday, May 16th, Dane County announced plans to purchase 160 acres of property for conservation. The property acquisition will be the largest conservation preservation investment in the county’s history, costing nearly 10 million dollars.

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Carp Barrier

Can bubble barriers stop carp?

Carp harvesting efforts have been underway for years in the Yahara River watershed, but more could be done to manage the population of invasive fish. In this month’s Clean Lakes Grants spotlight, we’re sharing the efforts of our partners at Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy, who are ready to tackle the challenge.

Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy is a not-for-profit organization devoted to protecting and restoring Pheasant Branch Conservancy on the northwest shore of Lake Mendota. Through a $8,750 grant awarded for 2018, the group will evaluate the feasibility of installing a new carp “bubble barrier” system on Pheasant Branch Creek to ultimately craft a recommendation and action plan for implementation.

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A message from Kurt Sonnentag, the Middleton Mayor, for the 2015 State of the Lakes Annual Report: 

Kurt Sonnentag, Mayor of Middleton

Kurt Sonnentag, Mayor of Middleton

Middleton is proud to affiliate with Clean Lakes Alliance because clean water is critical to our area for recreational and environmental reasons. Over the past 16 years, the City of Middleton has made a major financial commitment of about $10 million to cleanse the water that passes through Middleton from agricultural areas as well as from our own stormwater runoff. I’m pleased to say that those commitments have paid off with a 45% decrease in sedimentation and 48% decrease in phosphorus, despite increases in precipitation. As the Good Neighbor City, we are dedicated to being Good Neighbors to our lakes. 

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