
Lake Partner (business/organization)

Support our lakes and make a tax-deductible donation today!

The Lake Partner program recognizes businesses and organizations that support Clean Lakes Alliance through an annual donation made independent of events, sponsorships, or programs. As a Lake Partner, your donation directly benefits work to clean up our lakes. Lake Partners may also choose to demonstrate their organizational commitment to clean lakes by making improvements on their properties, educating staff on watershed sustainability, and participating in volunteer opportunities. Would you like to send your payment via mail? Click here for our downloadable Lake Partner form.

As a special thanks for being a Lake Partner, you will receive:

You’ll also receive invitations to events, updates on work to improve water quality, and the assurance that Clean Lakes Alliance is working on your behalf on a daily basis with city, county, and state officials to put the Yahara lakes at the top of to-do lists. In addition to Lake Partner benefits, donors who make a gift at the $1,000 or more level are recognized each year through Clean Lakes Alliance’s Yahara Society. Clean Lakes Alliance is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible!

Thank you for becoming a Lake Partner!