
Thank you for your investment in clean lakes through your support of the Clean Lakes Alliance (CLA). We appreciate the time you take as a donor to read Waves in the Watershed to stay up-to-date on our latest efforts to protect and improve water quality in the Yahara watershed.

Fall is a season for shifting gears. We are wrapping up summer initiatives and programs, and beginning to plan ahead for 2015. We invite you to attend our 2014 Ag Innovation Days (October 21st and 23rd), and our upcoming Renew the Blue volunteer day (November 1st). Read below for more information about these and other initiatives, as well as important updates on progress and projects in our watershed.

We appreciate your support of our organization and our mission.

In Partnership,

The CLA Team

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Waves in the Watershed
Volume I, Issue 3
July 22, 2014

We just wrapped up our Community Board meeting last week. We’d like to take a moment to update you on progress towards our goal of reducing phosphorus runoff in the Yahara watershed by 50% by 2025.

The Clean Lakes Festival is only days away; we hope you can join us on Saturday, July 26th at Law Park in one of the many activities that connect us to the lakes.

And, of course, since we are in the middle of peak lake season, we have a lot to share! Project implementation, development, engagement… thank you for taking the time as a donor to read and learn about our many initiatives.

We appreciate your support of our organization and our mission.

In Partnership,

The Clean Lakes Alliance Team

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Healthy Lakes, Healthy Community.

Volume IV, Issue 5

What better time than summer to relax and play with family and friends! See below for opportunities to bike, paddle, swim, ski or chill by and on our lakes. Also, Also, show your love for the lakes by volunteering with the Clean Lakes Alliance (CLA). (Psst – most of our volunteer needs are great excuses to be outdoors and around other lake lovers!)

Amidst all the fun on the lakes, remember that the CLA is still hard at work to protect them. Donate today and start receiving Waves in the Watershed, our bimonthly report on phosphorus-reducing projects and progress.

What is the Lake-O-Gram? The Lake-O-Gram is a monthly digest distributed through our website and e-mailed out to the surrounding communities to keep citizens up-to-date on the latest events and efforts taking place to protect and preserve the water quality of the Yahara watershed. Subscribe to get the Lake-O-Gram in your inbox!

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Welcome to Waves in the Watershed, an in-depth newsletter for donors of the Clean Lakes Alliance (CLA). Waves in the Watershed will come out every two months and will detail the progress that the CLA is making toward our goal of reducing phosphorus in the Yahara watershed by 50% by 2025 and in engaging the community in our efforts.

Please note – the Lake-o-Gram will continue to be delivered to the inboxes of over 7000 individuals who have expressed a general interest in the CLA’s initiatives and events. The Lake-o-Gram is a brief digest that promotes upcoming events and volunteer opportunities and includes highlights and snapshots of what we’re working on. 

In Partnership,

The Clean Lakes Alliance Executive Team
Don Heilman, James Tye and Elizabeth Katt-Reinders

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Happy Start-of-Summer from the Clean Lakes Alliance! We are geared up and ready for a busy summer packed full with opportunities for you to engage with the lakes and Clean Lakes Alliance.

Yahara Lakes 101

Citizen Water Quality Monitoring Pilot Program

Renew the Blue Volunteer Days

More Cow Power = Cleaner Lakes

Volunteer of the Year

Clean Lakes Alliance’s New Policy & Program Director

Upcoming Events

Last month, Clean Lakes Alliance kicked off our brand new Yahara Lakes 101 speaker series with a fantastic program on the relationship between lawn care and water quality by UW Madison Department of Soil Science professor, Dr. Doug Soldat. Our kickoff event was a great success with a full house and an abundance of positive feedback, and we thank our Monthly Sponsor Weed Man Lawn Care. We have a line-up of stellar scientists scheduled well into the fall to speak to us all about the science behind the issues that affect our beloved lakes. Come for a coffee and light breakfast on the beautiful lake patio here at the Verex Plaza, and learn about your lakes with Mendota as our backdrop.

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2023 Holiday Cookie invite

December 13, 2023 @ 3:30 pm 6:30 pm


We are hoping you can join or renew your friendship with Clean Lakes Alliance and join us at a holiday cookie tasting at our office!

Wednesday, December 13th
Clean Lakes Alliance Office (office provided in-kind by Foley & Lardner, LLP)
150 E. Gilman St, Suite 2600
Madison, WI 53703
3:30-6:30 p.m.

2023 Holiday Cookie invite

Enjoy conversations with the Clean Lakes Alliance Team and taste their favorite holiday cookies.

If you can’t make it, but would still like to renew your donation, we would LOVE to have your support before the end of the year! Every dollar we receive now will ensure we can fund important projects in the new year!


(608) 255-1000

View Organizer Website

150 E. Gilman Street
Madison, WI 53703 United States
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March 12, 2024 @ 4:15 pm 5:15 pm

Clean Lakes 101

Join us for this in-person only edition of Clean Lakes 101. We will tour Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District on Tuesday, March 12th from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m.


About this Talk

Attendees are invited to join a 60-minute tour of Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District’s Nine Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant, where 35 million gallons of wastewater are transformed each day into clean river water and other renewable resources. The tour is mostly outdoors and follows the path of water from dirty to clean, with stops to view key steps of the treatment process. Tour attendees are required to wear closed-toe shoes and should dress for the weather.

About our Speaker

Emily Jones Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District

Emily Jones is a Pollution Prevention Specialist at Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, where she works to protect the wastewater treatment system and downstream waters by keeping harmful substances out of the drain. A lifelong Madison resident, Emily has a B.S. from UW-Madison in life sciences communication and biology.

Event Details

This event will be held at Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (1610 Moorland Road, Madison) – The tour will begin at the Maintenance Facility (Gate 4). The tour is mostly outdoors and follows the path of water from dirty to clean, with stops to view key steps of the treatment process. Tour attendees are required to wear closed-toe shoes and should dress for the weather. Please note there are stairs during the tour. 

Clean Lakes 101 Lecture Series

Clean Lakes 101 is a series of educational events open to the public and a great chance to learn more about the science behind the issues that affect our lakes. Each month we feature a different expert to make the science accessible and interesting to non-technical audiences. The series is produced in partnership with the UW-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and UW-Extension Lakes, with presenting sponsor National Guardian Life Insurance Company, hosting sponsor The Edgewater, supporting sponsor Johnson Financial Group, and media sponsor WKOW. Additional support is provided by Alliant Energy Foundation, Hovde Properties, and Perkins Coie LLP.

(608) 255-1000

View Organizer Website

1610 Moorland Road
Madison, Wisconsin 53713
+ Google Map

Madison Skyline - Robert Bertera

The Yahara CLEAN Compact will continue to improve the condition and usability of our lakes and beaches. What we are doing to protect the lakes is working. However, more needs to be accomplished and at a faster pace. The concentration of phosphorus per gallon of water in rivers and streams is trending downward. Unfortunately, the amount and intensity of precipitation is increasing. More overall streamflow and phosphorus is being delivered to the lakes, as a result.

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August 11, 2021 @ 8:00 am 9:00 am

Clean Lakes 101

Join us Wednesday, August 11th to hear about a new program designed to assist farmers in their efforts of environmental stewardship.

About this Talk

Join us Wednesday, August 11th for “Farm, Energy, Water, & Carbon Markets,” sponsored by Virent. We’ll hear Tim Baye and Jessica Niekrasz discuss efforts to develop programming that supports Wisconsin farm carbon management initiatives. Wisconsin Legislative leadership with contributions across the stakeholder spectrum have recently launched an investigation of a comprehensive Farm/Energy/Water/Carbon policy program. The essence of the project is to establish or expand voluntary, market-driven options for animal agriculture operations’ to more effectively and aggressively manage their farm’s carbon footprint. Components of the project include carbon accounting, electricity, nutrient management, building market-place for lower carbon inputs, carbon offsets and carbon labeling.

This project promotes and supports measuring, managing, and monetizing the value of carbon at the farm. Valuing what’s already accomplished, integrating assets and practices to reduce carbon intensity, and add (sometimes significantly) to the bottom-line while addressing risks (compliance, price, and technical). Using Wisconsin animal enterprises as an initial “targeted” industry, the program intends to demonstrate that by using off-the-shelf technology and proven practices, farmers can move to optimize financial benefits from decreasing the carbon intensity of their products.

About our Speakers

Tim Baye is a Professor of Business Development/Energy Finance & State Energy Specialist, University of Wisconsin. His research and educational programs serve energy industry executives, professionals, and policy leaders. He has over 30 years of experience in industrial renewable energy projects and policy, in education, executive, and advisory capacities.

Jessica Niekrasz has years of experience in biogas, water quality, and related fields, as well as an understanding of the regulatory environment that exists today in Wisconsin. She helps companies and organizations connect with potential partners and decision makers to better understand the landscape and grow the business. She is the President of Clean Fuel Partners and the Principal at Clean Fuel Connects. Additionally, Jessica is the Board Chair at the Wisconsin Biomass Energy Coalition, a Community Board Member at Clean Lakes Alliance, and a Board Member at RENEW Wisconsin.

Event Details

This event will be held online via Zoom. The online talk is free and open to the public. A link to access the talk LIVE will be sent to all registered attendees ahead of the event.

Clean Lakes 101 Lecture Series

Clean Lakes 101 is a series of educational events open to the public and a great chance for residents to learn more about the science behind the issues that affect our lakes. Each month we feature a different expert to make the science accessible and interesting to non-technical audiences. This month’s program sponsor is Virent. The series is produced in partnership with the UW-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and UW-Extension Lakes, with presenting sponsors First Weber Foundation and Johnson Financial Group, hosting sponsor The Edgewater, and supporting sponsor National Guardian Life Insurance Company.



Clean Lakes 101: Healthy Land, Healthy Lakes

Join us for this ONLINE edition of Clean Lakes 101 to learn about some of the ongoing lake improvement initiatives spearheaded by Dane County.


Register for Clean Lakes 101


About this Talk

In this month’s talk, we’ll hear from Dane County Executive Joe Parisi and key staff members John Reimer and Kathy Kuntz as they review some of Dane County’s ongoing lake improvement initiatives in the Yahara Watershed. The Dane County Land and Water Resources Department leads and collaborates with organizations and agencies on innovative watershed scale approaches to improve water quality. These approaches vary in size and scope and include new technologies, research, and partnerships.

Suck the Muck: Breakthrough research in 2014 by Dane County in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), discovered that phosphorus concentrations in the stream sediments of Dorn Creek (northeast of Lake Mendota) are seven times greater than nearby crop fields. Much of the stream sediment is known as legacy sediment, deposits formed by erosion from farm fields accumulating over decades of farming. In the case of Dorn Creek, this sediment has existed since the late 1800s. For Lake Mendota, if the accrued legacy sediment remains at the bottom of the streams, it was calculated that it would take almost 100 years for the phosphorus to continue to leach out of the sediments and enter the lake. In order to reduce phosphorus concentrations and improve water quality decades sooner than 100 years, Dane County developed an innovative project to remove the phosphorus-laden sediment from the streambeds within the Yahara Watershed.

Yahara River Sediment Removal: Currently, water comes into the Yahara lakes faster than it goes out. Therefore, after repetitive and heavy rainfall events, the lake levels increase and can lead to flooding. The efficient movement of water through each lake is undermined by sediment build-up in the Yahara River. While sediment movement is a naturally occurring process, the accumulation of sediment in the Yahara River and lakes is greatly increased by human activity, including urban development and winter sand operations. Today, two inches of rain takes more than two weeks to leave the Yahara lakes system due to its sluggish nature.

Land Preservation: Dane County Parks has more than 12,000 acres of land that staff, volunteers, and partner organizations work to protect, improve, and restore. These restoration efforts include seed collection, controlled burns, forestry management, invasive species control, and land purchases.

Climate Change: In April 2020, Dane County issued an ambitious and comprehensive economy-wide climate action plan (CAP). The CAP lays out strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from all sources by 50% by 2030 with the ultimate aim of net zero emissions by 2050. Benefits of achieving CAP objectives go beyond climate—many of the strategies outlined in the CAP also yield substantial benefits to our lakes.

About our Speakers

County Executive Joe Parisi has called Dane County home his entire life. Joe sought out public service as a way to give back to a community that has given so much to him. Joe was first elected as County Executive, the chief elected leader of Dane County, in 2011 after six years in the State Assembly and eight years as Dane County Clerk. Joe’s priority is to ensure that everyone in our community has access to the opportunity to succeed. He believes investing in people pays big dividends. Joe knows this can work because he experienced it. As a teenager, Joe dropped out of high school. He was encouraged to return to education through a community program by people who believed in him. So he worked to earn his GED and went on to MATC (now Madison College) and graduated from UW-Madison with a degree in sociology. Now Joe believes it is his turn to give back to ensure that our children’s generation has access to the same opportunities that were available to him.

Kathy Kuntz, CC-P, is the Director of the Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change. Kathy has more than 25 years of experience influencing consumers, businesses, and whole communities to adopt sustainable practices and technologies. Her work spans energy and water efficiency, transportation, waste reduction, beneficial electrification, and renewable energy. Prior to joining Dane County Kathy led Cool Choices, a nonprofit that worked with businesses and local governments to encourage sustainable practices.Prior to that, Kathy led Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s statewide energy efficiency and renewable energy program.

John Reimer (Dane County) is the Assistant Director of the Dane County Land & Water Resources Department. He specializes in water resources engineering and management. His areas of expertise include water level management, flood assessment, lake and river restoration, and stormwater management. He enjoys communicating complex water resource information and is dedicated to improving Dane County’s resilience to flooding and water quality problems.

Event Details

This event will be held online via Zoom. The online talk is free and open to the public. A link to access the talk LIVE will be sent to all registered attendees ahead of the event.

Register here.

Clean Lakes 101 Lecture Series

Clean Lakes 101 is a series of educational events open to the public and a great chance for residents to learn more about the science behind the issues that affect our lakes. Each month we feature a different expert to make the science accessible and interesting to non-technical audiences. The series is produced in partnership with the UW-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and UW-Extension Lakes, with presenting sponsors First Weber Foundation and Johnson Financial Group, hosting sponsor The Edgewater, and supporting sponsor National Guardian Life Insurance Company.