
Lake Wingra

Lake Wingra June 2017

Lake Wingra

Lake Wingra is a small, shallow lake located in the City of Madison, and is connected to Lake Monona via Wingra (Murphy) Creek. The watershed is mostly urban but also includes the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum.

Because of its urban environment, the lake faces many challenges, including excess nutrients and road salt (chloride) from urban runoff. The Lake Wingra Watershed Management Plan, adopted by partners in 2015, seeks to address these and other watershed issues.

Lake Wingra by the numbers

Yahara Watershed Map
The Yahara Watershed
  • Watershed area: 3,456 acres
  • Surface area: 345 acres
  • Shoreline: 4 miles
  • Maximum depth: 21 feet
  • Mean depth: 9 feet
  • Flushing rate: 1.3 years
Madison Magnet Kayaks for a Cause - Lake Wingra
Madison Magnet Kayaks for a Cause event on Lake Wingra in 2019

How was the water (2019)?

Lake water quality continues to benefit from a carp- removal project in 2008. Reducing carp numbers in small shallow lakes can be an effective strategy to improve water quality because non-native carp uproot submerged aquatic plants and stir up lake bottom sediment when foraging for food.

Lake Wingra Water Clarity 1996-2019

Lake Wingra water quality conditions are linked to the success of the March 2008 carp removal from the lake. Prior to the carp removal, during 1996- 2007, median summer clarity was 2.0 feet. After the carp removal, during 2008- 2017, median clarity was 3.7 feet, a major improvement for the shallow lake.

2019 average (July – August) water clarity and phosphorus concentrations both ranked “good,” according to Wisconsin DNR criteria for shallow lakes.

Lake Wingra 2019 Beach Closures

A reported high number of geese at Vilas Beach likely contributed to the 23 closures due to high E. coli. One Lake Wingra beach is monitored.

2019 community projects & inititatives

  • Friends of Lake Wingra worked with homeowners in the Vilas and Greenbush neighborhoods as part of a leaf-collection pilot with the City of Madison.
  • City of Madison launched the Vilas Park master planning process in 2019. Clean Lakes Alliance began serving on the advisory committee, advocating for green infrastructure and lake-friendly design concepts.

Organizations supporting Lake Wingra

The following groups work on water quality issues in the Wingra watershed. Consider contacting an organization near you to get involved!

City of Madison
Dane County
Friends of Lake Wingra
Madison Water Utility
Public Health Madison & Dane County
Yahara Watershed Improvement Network

Read about the other lakes in the Yahara Watershed

Here’s how Lake Wingra faired in previous years:

How was the water?

In 2018, total phosphorus levels were “good” and clarity conditions were on the border between “fair” and “good,” according to Wisconsin DNR criteria.

Water clarity (2018 data)

  • 3.0 feet or "fair/good" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes
Lake Wingra 2018 Median Clarity Chart
Source Dr. R. Lathrop, UW Center for Limnology
Data WDNR (1975-1994), NTL-LTER (1995-2018)

Phosphorus levels (2018 data)

  • 0.056 mg/L or "good" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes
Lake Wingra 2018 Median Phosphorus Chart 
Source Dr. R. Lathrop, UW Center for Limnology
Data WDNR (1975-1994), NTL-LTER (1995-2018)

Beaches (2018 data)

  • Closed 24% of the time and open 76% of the time
  • 4 closure days due to cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
  • 7 closure days due to E. coli bacteria
  • 0 closure days due to cyanobacteria and E. coli
  • 13 closure days due to flooding

According to data collected by Public Health Madison & Dane County, Lake Wingra’s beach was closed 11 times in 2018, primarily due to high E. coli levels. After August 20th, all the beaches were closed for the remainder of the season (August 21 – Labor Day) due to flood conditions.

What's new on Lake Wingra?

Summer water quality conditions are linked to the success of the March 2008 carp removal from the lake. Prior to the carp removal, during 1996-2007, median summer phosphorus was 0.056 mg/L and clarity transparency was 2.0 ft. After the carp removal, during 2008-2017, median phosphorus and clarity were 0.034 mg/L and 3.7 feet, respectively. This is a major improvement for the shallow lake.

Stream bank stabilization at Wingra Park 
Stream bank stabilization project at Wingra Park
Photo courtesy of City of Madison

2018 Lake Wingra projects

  • City of Madison added several new green infrastructure features during the 2018 Monroe Street reconstruction.
    • A large underground screen structure in Wingra Park to capture sediment and debris within the storm sewer system
    • Two bioretention systems to remove contaminants and sediment
    • A rock infiltration trench along the edge of Edgewood College to help stormwater infiltrate into the ground
    • Two rain gardens and 350 feet of stabilized shoreline on Wingra Creek
  • Friends of Lake Wingra is working with the City of Madison to implement the recommendations of the Lake Wingra Watershed Management Plan. The plan addresses water quality challenges such as chlorides, infiltration, and phosphorus runoff

Water clarity (2017)

  • 2.3 feet or "fair" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Phosphorus levels (2017)

  • 0.066 mg/L or "fair" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Beaches (2017)

  • Vilas Beach
  • Open 99% of the time and closed 1% of the time
  • No closures due to E. coli bacteria; 1 closure due to cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)

Lake Wingra 2017 news

Prior to the carp removal, during 1996-2007, median summer phosphorus in Lake Wingra was 0.056 mg/L and water clarity was 2.0 feet. After the carp removal, during 2008-2011, median phosphorus and clarity were 0.034 mg/L and 3.4 feet, respectively - a major improvement for the shallow lake.

In 2017, both total phosphorus levels and clarity conditions were fair, according to DNR criteria for shallow lakes. After years of good water quality conditions, this is an unwelcome change, and may be an indication that carp populations are rebounding.

Water clarity (2016)

  • 4.8 feet or "good" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Phosphorus levels (2016)

  • 0.040 mg/L or "good" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Beaches (2016)

  • 36 closures due to E. coli bacteria
  • 0 closures due to cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
  • 0 closures due to the combination of E. coli bacteria and cyanobacteria

Water clarity (2015)

  • 5.2 feet or "good" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Phosphorus levels (2015)

  • 0.031 mg/L or "good" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Beaches (2015)

  • 2 closures due to E. coli bacteria
  • 0 closures due to cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
  • 0 closures due to the combination of E. coli bacteria and cyanobacteria

Water clarity (2014)

  • 3.6 feet or "good" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Phosphorus levels (2014)

  • 0.031 mg/L or "good" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Beaches (2014)

  • 4 closures due to E. coli bacteria
  • 0 closures due to cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)

Water clarity (2013)

  • 2.6 feet or "fair" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Phosphorus levels (2013)

  • 0.051 mg/L or "good" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Water clarity (2012)

  • 4.6 feet or "good" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes

Phosphorus levels (2012)

  • 0.029 mg/L or "excellent" according to Department of Natural Resources criteria for shallow lakes