The Madison lakes have been invaded by two new invasive species in recent years – spiny water flea in 2009 and zebra mussel in 2015. Both species have important implications for the Madison lakes and the ongoing efforts to improve water quality through phosphorus loading reductions. Dr. Jake Vander Zanden talk about what these invasions mean for our lakes and water quality moving forward.
Jake Vander Zanden is a Professor at the Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin – Madison. His research aims to understand how human activity impacts our lakes, and what we can do about it. Many of his recent studies have focused on the role of aquatic invasive species. While the primary emphasis of his work is the study of Wisconsin’s lakes, he has also worked in places such as Mongolia, Iceland, Mexico, and New Zealand. He maintains an active outreach program, and teaches the popular ‘Limnology’ and ‘Ecology of Fishes’ courses at UW-Madison.
About the series
Yahara Lakes 101 is a series of educational events open to the public and a great chance for residents to learn more about the science behind the issues that affect our lakes. Each month we feature a different expert to make the science accessible and interesting to non-technical audiences. Yahara Lakes 101 is produced in partnership with the UW-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, with hosting sponsor The Edgewater, presenting sponsor First Weber Group, supporting sponsor The Evjue Foundation, and media sponsor The Isthmus.
Yahara 101 is held both indoors and outdoors (weather permitting) at The Edgewater. Come at 7:30 a.m. for a meet-and-greet and to enjoy your coffee, pastries, and fruit. The program begins at 8 a.m., and class is dismissed by 9 a.m.
If you already are a Friend of Clean Lakes (minimum $35 donation/year), then admission is free. Become a Friend today. If you are not a Friend yet, admission is $10 per event. Registration for each event is requested for all attendees. Special event parking will be available at The Edgewater.