Learn about Ho-Chunk history in the TeJop, or “four lakes,” region. Dan Brown and Missy Tracy of Ho-Chunk Gaming Madison will present an engaging historical overview, including information about the Yahara lakes and river. Please register to join us!
About our speakers
Dan Brown is the Executive Manager for Ho-Chunk Gaming Madison
Missy Tracy is the Municipal Relations Coordinator for Ho-Chunk Gaming Madison
We’re excited to be able to learn about the history of the Ho-Chunk people and our lakes!
About the series
Yahara Lakes 101 is a series of educational events open to the public and a great chance for residents to learn more about the science behind the issues that affect our lakes. Each month we feature a different expert to make the science accessible and interesting to non-technical audiences. Yahara Lakes 101 is produced in partnership with the UW-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, with hosting sponsor The Edgewater, presenting sponsor First Weber Group, supporting sponsor The Evjue Foundation, and media sponsor The Isthmus.
Yahara 101 is held both indoors and outdoors (weather permitting) at The Edgewater. Come at 7:30 a.m. for a meet-and-greet and to enjoy your coffee, pastries, and fruit. The program begins at 8 a.m., and class is dismissed by 9 a.m.
If you already are a Friend of Clean Lakes (minimum $35 donation/year), then admission is free. Become a Friend today. If you are not a Friend yet, admission is $10 per event. Registration for each event is requested for all attendees. Special event parking will be available at The Edgewater.