Over $160,000 in grants will foster lake education and improvement projects
MADISON, Wis. — Today Clean Lakes Alliance announced it will distribute $62,500 in grants to eight different projects aimed at benefiting our lakes. The grants will focus on improving farmland management, leaf management, construction erosion, lake access and in-lake management, and youth education.
“Clean Lakes Alliance has the ability to raise money and distribute grants at a fast rate for important projects for this summer,” commented Clean Lakes Alliance executive director James Tye. “We hope by funding these projects, we will continue to raise awareness, move innovative efforts forward, and make our lakes the center of the community.”
As part of the grant agreement, the recipients will contribute matching funds to their designated projects. In total, Clean Lakes Grants are leveraging nearly $250,000 in matching partner investments. Additionally, Clean Lakes Alliance is committing $100,000 to Yahara Watershed Improvement Network for the second consecutive year to fund farmland efforts aimed at reducing algae-feeding phosphorus from entering our lakes.
Project Awards
Below is a list of the projects being funded by Clean Lakes Grants, as well as the matching funds each group will contribute.
Partnership for Ag Resource Management – $8,000 grant ($51,348 total project budget)
- Education of agricultural retailers to promote increasing sales of beneficial products and services to remove ag-related water quality impairments in the Yahara River Watershed
Friends of Lake Kegonsa Society – $10,000 grants ($45,000 total project budget)
- Leaf management project that will vacuum leaves from the street in front of all homes in the Town of Dunn and Town of Pleasant Springs
- Carp removal project with a goal of removing 300,000 pounds of from Lake Kegonsa to improve water quality
United States Geological Survey – $10,000 grant ($93,000 total project budget)
- Completion of study to evaluate water quality impacts of different municipal leaf collection procedures for the purpose of developing a phosphorus-crediting program
City of Madison – $4,500 grant ($9,300 total project budget)
- Garbage truck billboards and literature to promote the removal of leaves from the street gutter by residents
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department – $10,000 grant ($25,500 total project budget)
- Increased inspections of erosion control sites to improve contractor education and compliance rates
Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy – $8,750 grant ($9,750 total project budget)
- Feasibility study for a carp barrier in Pheasant Branch Creek to protect water quality
Madison Friends of Urban Nature – $1,250 grant ($1,250 total project budget)
- Outdoor educational outings for kids and families about nature in the Yahara Watershed
Farmland Management (to be determined) – $10,000
- Set aside for projects that involve on-the-ground phosphorus-reduction efforts on agricultural land in the watershed